Vestibular Research in Sadeghi Lab
Assistant Professor, Center for Hearing and Balance, Dept. of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery.
I am interested in understanding the signal transmission properties and compensation/ adaptation observed in the vestibular system. I have studied vestibular system at the systems level in humans (vestibular compensation maneuvers) and non-human primates (in vivo extracellular single unit recording from vestibular afferent fibers and vestibular nuclei neurons) as well as at the cellular level in rats and mice (patch clamp recording from hair cells and afferent terminals). Currently, we use mouse as the mammalian model and use in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology recordings, imaging methods, immunohistochemisty, and pharmacology/ optogenetic stimulation in our research.
Dyllan Zhou, B.A.
VOR, IT injection, in vivo single unit
Daniel Ballinas
VsEP, IT injection
Anant Mashalkar
Wesley Schoo, B.A.
VsEP, IT injection
Yaohui Zhu, Ph.D.
Electrophysiology (in vitro patch clamp)
Matthew Johnson, Au.D. (In vitro patch clamp recording)
Eric Tyler, Au.D. (In vivo single unit recording from vestibular nerve afferents)
Julia Murak, Au.D.
Natalie Walsh, Au.D. (In vivo experiments, cfos labeling)
Yugandhar Ramakrishna, Au.D., Ph.D. (In vitro patch clamp recording, VsEP recording, intratympanic (IT) and intralabyrinthine (IL) injections)
Vishal Raghu, Ph.D. (In vivo single unit recording, optical stimulation, VsEP recording, intratympanic (IT) and intralabyrinthine (IL) injections)